Cloudy with a chance of Planets!

Once upon a time, in a little town called Solar, there was a little girl named Corona. She loved to study about the solar system and all the Moon phases. Along with our tides, stars, and our planets. One day during science class they had to study for a huge test over the solar system. She knew she would do amazing because it was her favorite subject, so she studied hard anyways. On her peaceful walk home, she though of nothing but the test.(Minutes later) While she walked in her house, her mom greeted her by asking what she did today. She replied with “Nothing mom, but I do have a test in science tomorrow.” “You should do good because that is your favorite subject,” replied her mom. (She nodded her head and went to the kitchen) “Mom what’s for super?” asked Corona. “We are going to have some Trix cereal,” her mom replied. “YAY, those are my favorite because they look like planets.”Corona said.(After dinner)Thanks mom that was some good cereal, but now I have to go study for the solar system test I have in science tomorrow. “Okay hun.” her mom replied.( She walked in her room and got her review out of her binder.)Okay, lets she what to study first. There are the phases of the Moon,the tides of our Earth,and our inner and outer planets. I think I’ll start with our Moon. The order of the phases are; new moon,waxing cresent, first quarter, waxing gibbus, full moon, wanning gibbus, third quarter, and last but not least the wanning cresent.(About an hour later.) Oh no I didn’t finish studying for the test. What am I going t do now?(She rushed outside to take the normal morning walk to school. While on her way to school she saw something in the sky.) Oh my goodness, what is that strange thing in the sky? Wait there is more than one, there’s many! They almost look like all the planets. There’s no way though that it could be them because the gravitational pull would not allow them to even come close to Earth. (She slowley kept walking while investigating what was happening.) Why are all the planets in the same spot and order they are usually in, but on Earth? This makes no since at all. (Soon after the stars fell the Earth as well.) This is just not right, non of this should be happoning. Why is gravity allowing this? It’s the boss and tells the planets where they are supposed to be and how far apart they are supposed to be apart. Yet they are here on Earth this very moment. (A star falls and hits her in the head and nocks her out.She jummped in her bed as if she had a nightmare.) Oh my goodness it was all just a dream. It was only my imagination playing with me, but at least i finished my studying in my dream. Once upon a time, in a little town called Solar, there was a little girl named Corona that made a 100 on her solar system test.

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